Exploring the history of Scarborough’s Photographers and Photographic Studios.

Detail of portrait by Thomas Taylor
Scarborough’s Photographers
Scarborough on England’s Yorkshire coast is one of the country’s earliest seaside resorts. Visitors were coming before photography was invented. The Early photographers soon realised that there was money to be made in seaside resorts and they began to congregate in the town during the summer season.
There is only one book about the history of Photography in Scarborough (Anne and Paul Bayliss, 1998) and many people don’t know how important photography was to the resort, which boasted the largest photographic studio in Europe and photographers from all over the world.
This website seeks to add to the published knowledge and share the importance of Scarborough as a photographers seaside town, for the first one hundred years of Photography up to the beginning of the Second World War.

Help us to add to this website
We’re always looking for more information to add to this website. If you have an old photograph by a professional Scarborough photographer that you would like us to include please do contact us.