Scarborough Photographers Index

This is a list of all of the photographers that we know about from Scarborough and the surrounding area. If there is more detail you can click on the name and it will take you to the Photographers page. If you know of any photographer not on the list please do send us details.

Detail of carte de visite portrait of a woman looking at a photographic portrait by John Inskip of Scarborough

Detail of portrait of unknown woman by John Inskip


Alder, George Edward

Arnell, Alfred

Ashworth, J. and Sons

Atkin and Burton

Avison, (Edwin) and Co

Barraclough, Enoch

Beard, Richard

Beckett, John

Beckett and Willis

Bennett, Albert

Bennett and Medd

Benson Photographic Services

Blackburne, Joseph

Blanc, Numa

Booth, Hiram Crompton

Bower, Henry

Bowes, Jean

Boxell, Thomas

Boxell, Harold

Bramwell, C.M.

Bramwell, Joseph Edward

Brigham, Alice

Brigham, Charles Dickinson

Brigham, William Dobson

Brigham, William Foster

Campbell, J. M.

Chambers, F.

Chapman, Alfred Thornton

Chapman, C.

Clark and Winter

Clarke, Ralph W.

Castle Snaps

Clements, E.

Colbert, Henry

Correy, Thomas

Cowell, C. Tintern

Craven, Thomas Palmer

Cromack, Arthur May

Cuttle, Arthur Edward

Debenham, Edwin Alfred

Dennis, E. T. W. and Sons Ltd

Dickinson, Messrs

von Dix, George William

von Dix, Richard and George William

Dixon, Frederick Henry

Dobson, Dennis

Downham, John

Dunn, Charles Edward

Eastham, John

Ellam, E.D.

Ellis, Raymond


Farren’s Studio

Ferguson, Hy

Fisher, Samuel Waind

Flather, Henry

Fletcher, George

Fox, Edwin, F.

Foxton, Fred.

Garlick, Walter

Gawthorpe, William

Gibson, Frederick William

Gibson, Lucretia Dawson

Gibson, William George

Glaisby, William Punderson

Goodchild, James

Goulder’s American Portrait Gallery

Goulding and Mayall

Gray, John W

Greenwood, Alfred

Grey, C. E.

Grey, W. H.

Guttenberg, Marcus

Haigh, George Simpson

Hall, John

Happy Snaps Ltd

Hare, Haydon

Hare and Whitley

Harland, E.

Harrison, Edward

Harrison, George

Harrison, Robert

Harrison, Thomas

Harrison, William

Hastings, John

Haydon Studios

Hayes, William

Hewland, R. H.

Hey, Victor

Hickson, A

Holder, Henry Wharry

Holdroyd, Mr


Hudson, Harry

Huggins, Thomas A.

Humphreys, Mr

Inskip, John

Joubert, Ferdinand Jean


Kaim and Golder

Kettle, Herbert L.

King, James

King, Clara

Laycock and Ricketts

Lilley, Jordan Lambert

Livingstone, John

Lofthouse, William

McGee, Mr

McMunn, Mr

Manning, Mr

Marine Promenade Photographic Company

Marshall, A. S.

Mason, Henry

May, John William

Melling, Thomas

Miers, John

Murray, James

Murray, John

Neumans, Henri Philippe

Newcombe, Sidney

North Bay Snaps Ltd

North of England Photographic Company


Nunn, Frederick

Nunn, Joshua

Osbourne, George

Osguthorpe, Henry

Osguthorpe, Mary Ann

Parker, Joseph

Pecket, David

Pepper, Alfred Moore

Phillips and Keld

Pickard, Charles

Pickering, Henry

Pickett, David

Pictorial Photo Publishing Co.

Pictorial Studios

Photo Casino Ltd

Quayle, Florena

Raine, James

Redding, Alexander

Reed, Edward

Reynolds, Arthur George

Riches, H.

Ricketts, Will

Rudd, George


Sarony, Napoleon

Sarony, Oliver Francois Xavier

Scarborough Stereoscopic Company

Scott, Q.

Seaman, F.J.

Simmons, J. W.

Shaw, Walter

Skeolan, Peter and Peter Paul

Smith, John

Smith, W. W.

Snaps Unlimited, The Photographic People

South Wales Photographic Company

Spurr, Reginald

Stan’s Snaps


Starlight Studios

Starkey, Mr

Stead, Edwin

Stonehouse, F.

Storer, R.

Sunlight Studio

Sun Ray Photo Co.

Taney and Co.

Taylor, Edward

Taylor, Harold. O. (H.O.T.)

Taylor, N.

Taylor, Thomas

Thomas Taylor and Sons

Trufitt, Joseph Ernest

Vokes, Thomas Smith

Walker, B.

Walker, Herbert.

Walkers Studios Ltd

Wanless, H.

Watkin, Herbert E.

Weissbeck, L.

Westborough Photo Co.

Whaite, Thomas George

Whaley, Fred


Wigney, James Townsend

Wilkinson, H.

Willis, George

Willis Brothers

Wing Adolphus H. A.

Winter, Joseph Smithson

Woods and Co.

Wybrant, Patrick

Yates, James