Scarborough Photographers Index
This is a list of all of the photographers that we know about from Scarborough and the surrounding area. If there is more detail you can click on the name and it will take you to the Photographers page. If you know of any photographer not on the list please do send us details.
Detail of portrait of unknown woman by John Inskip
Beard, Richard
Beckett and Willis
Bennett, Albert
Bennett and Medd
Bower, Henry
Boxell, Harold
Bramwell, C.M.
Bramwell, Joseph Edward
Campbell, J. M.
Chambers, F.
Chapman, C.
Clark and Winter
Clarke, Ralph W.
Castle Snaps
Clements, E.
Colbert, Henry
Correy, Thomas
Cowell, C. Tintern
Craven, Thomas Palmer
Dickinson, Messrs
von Dix, Richard and George William
Dixon, Frederick Henry
Dobson, Dennis
Downham, John
Ellis, Raymond
Farren’s Studio
Ferguson, Hy
Fisher, Samuel Waind
Flather, Henry
Gawthorpe, William
Goulder’s American Portrait Gallery
Goulding and Mayall
Greenwood, Alfred
Grey, C. E.
Grey, W. H.
Haigh, George Simpson
Hall, John
Hare and Whitley
Hastings, John
Hewland, R. H.
Holdroyd, Mr
Humphreys, Mr
Joubert, Ferdinand Jean
Kaim and Golder
King, Clara
Laycock and Ricketts
Lilley, Jordan Lambert
McGee, Mr
McMunn, Mr
Manning, Mr
Marine Promenade Photographic Company
Mason, Henry
May, John William
Melling, Thomas
Murray, James
Murray, John
Neumans, Henri Philippe
Newcombe, Sidney
North of England Photographic Company
Nunn, Joshua
Osbourne, George
Parker, Joseph
Pickard, Charles
Pickett, David
Pictorial Photo Publishing Co.
Raine, James
Reed, Edward
Sarony, Oliver Francois Xavier
Scarborough Stereoscopic Company
Simmons, J. W.
Shaw, Walter
Smith, W. W.
Snaps Unlimited, The Photographic People
South Wales Photographic Company
Stan’s Snaps
Starkey, Mr
Stonehouse, F.
Storer, R.
Sunlight Studio
Trufitt, Joseph Ernest
Vokes, Thomas Smith
Walker, B.
Wanless, H.
Weissbeck, L.
Westborough Photo Co.
Whaley, Fred
Willis Brothers
Wing Adolphus H. A.
Winter, Joseph Smithson
Wybrant, Patrick
Yates, James