Jean Bowes

Jean Bowes (Miss) had a studio above the Central Tramway on Marine Parade in Scarborough in the early part of the 20th Century. She first appears in a local directory in 1912 and is in the Kelly’s Directory for 1921.

portrait of a man and woman, the man is in army uniform, world war I, Jean Bowes photographer Scarborough
Back of postcard portrait, Scarborough photographer

Portrait of an unknown man and woman, the man is in World War I style army uniform,


Portrait of two girls by Jean Bowes of Scarborough
back of postcard portrait by Jean Bowes of Scarborough
detail of photograph by Jean Bowes of Scarborough

Portrait of two unknown girls


Photographic Practice

  • Portraits

  • Postcards


The Watkyn Studio, Marine Parade, Scarborough - 1912-1921
